Tuesday, July 19, 2011
would be a shameful thought...
the relevant example being, how much i would love, deep down secretly, to write a hate letter to so many individuals in my life. a letter detailing those characteristics and tendencies about them that make my blood boil, my hands itch to slap them, my tongue burn and long to slash their self-esteem to shreds. terrible, i know. but it's true, and i hope that my admittance of the truth might be the redeeming quality in this not-so-disney post? anyway i'm sure there are those who are secretly curious to know what some of these aforementioned letters may say. and while i am not going to fully unleash my inner bitch and write in full said letters, as this is my blog which i hope some people still read, and as i have neglected it for so long, i shall disclose a line here and there without revealing the intended recipients, or getting too personal. i hope you appreciate this and that nothing is taken the wrong way.
"it amazes me just how f***ing judgemental you still are, who are you to sit on your high horse and condemn the world, you do realise you are so far from perfect yourself, that you could not even see perfect in the horizon with a top-of-the-line telescope?"
"some days, it's just pure amusement to me the way you apparently believe that you are just so entertaining. if you had a brick wall behind you and an audience before you, we could make a fortune selling tickets to 'naive, the comedy'. "
"really? it's been six months since high school and you still haven't grown up and realised that you. are. an. adult.?! honey, i want to have a front-row seat to your induction into the Real World."
"yeah, okay, but if it were HER inviting you? you'd probably, most definitely go. or at least consider trying. "
"so, are we really 'Biffles' or are you only 'here for me' when it suits you?"
"aww, i miss you too. i wonder how many other people you've said that to and followed through with, 'we should catch up, it's been too long!'. save it for someone who believes you. "
"don't be sorry. it's your decision. bull !@#*ing sh!t. could you GET more subliminally judgemental?"
you get the picture. and it's not a pretty one. caricature artists of the French revolution could produce more attractive scenes than the ones sometimes flitting through my overprocessed brain. a big bag of weird does not even begin to describe the beginning of what goes on in there sometimes. hmm, perhaps i should take up yoga or whatever the neurotic's answer to AA meetings are, give the attic a good spring cleaning. or would kick-boxing be a more appropriate solution. and so my dear fellow bloggers and blog-readers, i hereby invite you on the comments section of this post, to express your views, whether they be opinions on the twisted inner-workings of my mind, or perhaps just use it as an open, anonymous forum to vent your spleen (to use one of my favorite cliches) in the way of some of your own one-liners from guiltily considered hate letters. remember, there is no judgement here.
Do zobaczenia.
Friday, July 8, 2011
the past

Friday, July 1, 2011
"camera obscura"

7 days of jumper day 6... ze jumper which i bought :)

Monday, June 27, 2011
my milano twin?
14 days of jumper...day 5 (and an apology)

Thursday, June 16, 2011
14 days of jumper...day 4

Saturday, June 11, 2011
14 days of jumper...day 3

Thursday, June 9, 2011
14 days of jumper...day 2

however, if you are like me and therefore a broke uni student, take heart because this post comes with a pearl of wisdom as to how to stay warm, look hot and maintain a friendly relationship with your bank balance. the answer is simple in three little letters. d-i-y!
head down to your local craft store for wool, knitting needles and a pattern resembling the jumper you desire (i suggest lookig through stores or the internet for the knit/s you love first and keep them in mind when looking for a pattern) and get knitting! many craft stores such as spotlight tend to carry patterns and ideas for how to replicate the latest looks, so you should be able to find something you like quite easily.
if you don't know how to knit, ask your mum, grandma, aunty, whoever. i'm sure there'll be someone who will be more than happy to teach you. or if you don't have the time/patience to do it yourself, you could buy the wool and enlist your grandma/mother to do it for you, as again i'm sure they'd be happy too, though it might be nice to take them out for coffee and cake or present them with baked goods as a thankyou afterward. knitting is actually not too hard, and can be quite fun when you get the hang of it. it does take a bit of time, but your wallet will thank you when you're done, and when you're out and about sporting your cosy new knit, and people ask you where you got it, you can grin proudly and say 'i made it myself'. or pass the credit onto whoever made it for you. either way, it's a lot more gratifying than forking over $80+ for something you can have for a lot less. well that's all from me darlings, study calls. kiss kiss!
ps. an alternative to d-i-y is to head to a market or op shop and have a look through their knit section, you're guarunteed to find something for almost nothing. good luck xx
14 days of jumper...day 1

ps. if you really love this and have $185 to spare, you can buy it at hfm.co.jp
femme fatale limited edition
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
help requested...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
through a wide-shot lens...
Monday, June 6, 2011

'contrast', clement louis, paris (aka my future husband)
the boys sure know what they're doing these days. oh, how i love well-dressed men, don't you? it seems from my extensive research on lookbook.nu, the males from manlia in particular are exquisitely stylish, not to mention unique. personal favorites of mine are cardigans, blazers and button-down shirts. hopefully their aussie counterparts will lift their game eventually. in other news, i now must go to manlia, to find a man. that is, if clement louis won't take me. which he will. fingers crossed. kiss kiss!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
"Not that I give a hoot about jewelry. diamonds, yes. but it's tacky to wear diamonds before you're forty"
darlings, today's pearl of wisdom (well i hope it's wisdom, perhaps it's a bit pretentious to assume so?) is tinged with sadness, because i lost mine... hopefully just temporarily. it is...
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
you and i are just walking disasters
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
pearls of wisdom from 'The Devil Wears Prada' #2...
Meryl Streep was absolutely brilliant in this movie. this is one of my favorite of her little lectures. she is completely brutual when she rips into Andy Sachs in this scene, her delivery is flawless. this is an amazing piece of writing in my humble opinion. and the scene is a personal favorite of mine also, as many of you should know it's the run-through scene quite early in the film. in my eyes it's a perfect parody of the fashion world, though not over-done. A+.
pearls of wisdom from 'The Devil Wears Prada' #1...
The Devil Wears Prada...probably the first time i've encountered a movie that was better than the book upon which it was based. no offense, Laura Weisbeger, i still love you. but really, what an absolutely brilliant piece of prose...delievered beautifully, of course, by the delightful Stanley Tucci. i just love it.
Monday, May 30, 2011
bows make everything better
my very first set, created at polyvore.com ! to view individual items go to http://www.polyvore.com/bows_make_everything_better/set?id=32090312
all dresses and top by modcloth, wedges- modcloth, flats - forever21, boots- sense of fashion, black clutch - zappos, striped clutch - debenhams, purse - jane norman, ring- marc by marc jacobs, pendant - modcloth, gloves - french connection, headband - topshop
friends do it better...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
a promise kept.
so i said i'd continue the post on tips for paving the uni student's way to fabulous sans the massive guilt trip (not to mention hunger pains) when you blow your hours of putting up with whiny customers on that amazing Alannah Hill coat you just HAD to have, and then there's nothing left for your morning coffee before that painful 8am lecture. and trust me, you NEED. that coffee. almost as much (perhaps more) than you need that wonderful coat. even though Alannah Hill is nothing to be sniffed at, and even if you have the added bonus of a hot lecturer who makes learning all that more appealing. the 8am lecture requires caffeine to take the edge off that 6am start to your day.
but i digress.
my tip for the day is a tried, tested and truly valuable exercise that any university student with limited funds and an unlimited need to scrub up decent no matter the occasion, should try at least twice. here it is...pay attention now...
the wardrobe evaluation.
this extremely practical investment of one's time will save dollars, brain power when one is too sleep-deprived to function, and of course, precious time when getting dressed in the morning. or evening. whatever. the idea is, to take an afternoon or whenever you have a few hours to spare, going through your existing wardrobe and taking inventory of what you actually already own. spend some time looking at each item of clothing, considering the ways in which they could be styled, altered or paired with other garments in order to create a new look. try to mix and match, and most definitely try things on. combinations, accessories, shortening a skirt or layering, the possibilities are endless and soon your outfit options will be too.
all it takes is time, patience, and a little imagination. you may even find things that you forgot you had and still look great on you, or you may decide to have a wardrobe clean out, following which i suggest you discover the magical world of ebay, if you haven't already. or, if turning your pre-loved stuff into cash for new clothes that need love, then up your feel-good-ness and drop stuff off at your local opportunity shop. and while you're there, have a look around for a treasure or two.
the point is, you probably think you have 'nothing to wear' and a closet full of clothes, just like every other fashion minded person out there. when in actual fact, you most likely have a plethora of fabulous just waiting to be discovered behind those doors. let your imagination fly and have a fantastic time. dress-ups isn't just for kids! kiss kiss.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
the places i never knew existed...

wearing: denim jacket-tempt, black lace detail t-shirt, khaki pants,
boots, cotton on scarf and of course my signature hippy scarf.
coz i'm just sahhhh indie. ;)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
D-I-Y class # 1

you will need:
1 pair of plain black (or white) canvas sneakers with shoelaces.
about 3 meters or so of lace in black or white, whatever colour your shoes are not - i don't really know the exact amount, but a way to find out would be to remove the existing laces from the shoes and measure them, and then get the same amount of lace as the combined laces from your shoes.
also, make sure the lace isn't too flimsy, as you don't want these amazing shoes to break.
step one: remove exisitng laces from shoes
step two: cut lace to required length and thread through holes in sneakers
step three: tie in pretty bows and wear with fabulous outfits.
note: this should cost you at the very least, $12 (ish), if you get some inexpensive/secondhand shoes, and lace from a craft store. it might even cost you less. and just quietly, these shoes cost in the $40 range from modcloth, which isn't really all that expensive, but if you can make them for cheaper yourself, why not right?
if i was a rich girl...
and so darlings, i give you...
1. Invest in basics. a cliche, but for good reason. if you spend good money on the 'boring' basics such as plain tees, some really decent shoes that will go with everything, a freat pair of jeans (i am personally anti-jeans but they work for a lot of people so there you have it), a classic LBD et cetera, they will last you a long time and can be mixed with all your impulse buys and seasonal purchases.
2. stay away from 'trend-of-the-minute buys, if you can. while the beloved fashion rags and runway shows will insist that 'you have to have' them, that they are a 'must-buy' for the season, more often than not they will be 'in' for about a week and after that you'll never wear them again. additionally, they never seem to go with anything else in your wardrobe, so you have to go on a shopping spree to create outfits that will work around your new splurge. which makes absolutely no sense at all, unless you're fabulously rich. in which case, go crazy.
3. remember the immortal words of Yves Saint Laurent. "Fashion fades, STYLE is eternal." which basically means, fashion is fickle, and will flit into our lives for a moment before changing and disappearing. STYLE is what matters most, and the best way to accomplish style is to establish your own. that's right, be an individual. "I am a cat, and I walk by MYSELF." so find that look that is uniquely you, and wear it loud and proud.
4. D-I-Y, bitches. that's right. Do It Yourself. stumbled upon a deliciously vintage purse whilst clicking through your favorite fashion websites, but deeply disappointed that in order to acquire said purse, you need to scunge up a few hundred dollars that you really don't have? never fear. with a trip to your nearest craft store, some time and patience and a splash of creativity, it CAN be yours. or better yet, your uniquely-you interpretation of the DVP (deliciously vintage purse), which will result in you killing two birds with one stone (refer above tip). and everyone will be asking you where you got your amazing purse, and you can either smile smugly and say you made it yourself, or you can be elusive and mysterious and imply that you did in fact fork over the folding stuff in order to obtain it.
5. Remember the three R's. Reduce, reuse, recycle! how you might ask, does this apply to
your wardrobe? two words. Oppurtunity Shop. in this context, the term includes the obvious - op-shopping, but also extends to markets, independant stores that nobody knows about, overseas and online shopping et cetera. devoting a day to hunt through op-shops, trawl around markets or get your click on at ebay (maybe the last one doesn't have to be a WHOLE day) will REDUCE your spending, REUSE your perspective (imagination, the way you see your existing wardrobe), and RECYLE things that others have wrongfully discarded, but will rightfully fall into your waiting hands, because their potential isn't over yet. and don't worry, op-shopping is SAHHH indie which in case you haven't noticed is in at the moment, and if you are a tiny bit of a snob when it comes to op-shops, remember this: no-one has to know! i personally once found an Allanah Hill top at Savers. i didn't buy it because i didn't like it all that much, but just imagine! Allanah. Hill. need i say more?
on a side note, if you've got an overseas/out-of-town trip coming up, grab oppurtunity by the balls and indulge in both treating yourself (you are on holiday after all) and finding unique and most-likely very inexpensive items to rock your wardrobe.
okay darlings, i could go on forever and a day with this stuff but responsiblity calls, so consider this post to be continued. hopefully in the near future. kiss kiss!
something old, something new, something borrowed...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
the best advice you'll ever read...
"for attractive lips, speak words of kindness. for lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. for a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. for poise, walk with the knowledge that you will never walk alone. people, even more than things, have to be restored. renewed. revived. reclaimed. and redeemed. never throw out anyone."