Monday, June 27, 2011
my milano twin?

14 days of jumper...day 5 (and an apology)

darlings i am deeply sorry for my neglect of ze blog, however i have been rather on the busy side as of late. as such, i am changing 14 days of jumper to 7, so as to more quickly finish the series so that i can move on and post other things.
so, apologies. 14 days was probably a bit much anyway.
so day 5 of the series features an unexpected find, a jumper not originally intended to feature in the series but i just love it and the way it's been put together in the outfit, which i found on lookbook.nu
i just love the subtle mix of grunge, vintage and preppy in this look, and it can be achieved quite easily, with a boat-necked jumper in a bold colour (i love this burnt orange but mustard or red would work quite nicely also), a white blouse with a large collar and some cute denim shorts over tights and boots the same colour as the tights so as to keep the focus up top. i'm also quite a fan of these boots, and was very close to purchasing a pair myself recently. perhaps i still will. i also love the bag and hat, speaking of which i recently bought a great bag online that will feature on this blog hopefully soon (well as soon as i remember to buy camera batteries)
anyway that's all from me for now. xx
Thursday, June 16, 2011
14 days of jumper...day 4

Saturday, June 11, 2011
14 days of jumper...day 3

Thursday, June 9, 2011
14 days of jumper...day 2

good morning darlings (or should i say good afternoon, i just slept in!) and welcome to day 2 of 14 days of jumper. today's gem is a gorgeous chunky patterned charcoal knit from general pants, which you can buy for $140 at http://www.generalpants.com.au/store/womens/jackets--vests/no-more-fade-jumper-1000032521.html i love this because of the texture and detail (i'm a fan of texture) and the colour is divine and would go quite nicely with this season's khakis and other neutrals. alternately, it would look lovely brightened up with a happy floral print such as a skort. another perk to the jumper is that it can help extend the life of your summer wardrobe in the colder months, by layering it over a maxi dress, or shorts with tights.
however, if you are like me and therefore a broke uni student, take heart because this post comes with a pearl of wisdom as to how to stay warm, look hot and maintain a friendly relationship with your bank balance. the answer is simple in three little letters. d-i-y!
head down to your local craft store for wool, knitting needles and a pattern resembling the jumper you desire (i suggest lookig through stores or the internet for the knit/s you love first and keep them in mind when looking for a pattern) and get knitting! many craft stores such as spotlight tend to carry patterns and ideas for how to replicate the latest looks, so you should be able to find something you like quite easily.
if you don't know how to knit, ask your mum, grandma, aunty, whoever. i'm sure there'll be someone who will be more than happy to teach you. or if you don't have the time/patience to do it yourself, you could buy the wool and enlist your grandma/mother to do it for you, as again i'm sure they'd be happy too, though it might be nice to take them out for coffee and cake or present them with baked goods as a thankyou afterward. knitting is actually not too hard, and can be quite fun when you get the hang of it. it does take a bit of time, but your wallet will thank you when you're done, and when you're out and about sporting your cosy new knit, and people ask you where you got it, you can grin proudly and say 'i made it myself'. or pass the credit onto whoever made it for you. either way, it's a lot more gratifying than forking over $80+ for something you can have for a lot less. well that's all from me darlings, study calls. kiss kiss!
ps. an alternative to d-i-y is to head to a market or op shop and have a look through their knit section, you're guarunteed to find something for almost nothing. good luck xx
however, if you are like me and therefore a broke uni student, take heart because this post comes with a pearl of wisdom as to how to stay warm, look hot and maintain a friendly relationship with your bank balance. the answer is simple in three little letters. d-i-y!
head down to your local craft store for wool, knitting needles and a pattern resembling the jumper you desire (i suggest lookig through stores or the internet for the knit/s you love first and keep them in mind when looking for a pattern) and get knitting! many craft stores such as spotlight tend to carry patterns and ideas for how to replicate the latest looks, so you should be able to find something you like quite easily.
if you don't know how to knit, ask your mum, grandma, aunty, whoever. i'm sure there'll be someone who will be more than happy to teach you. or if you don't have the time/patience to do it yourself, you could buy the wool and enlist your grandma/mother to do it for you, as again i'm sure they'd be happy too, though it might be nice to take them out for coffee and cake or present them with baked goods as a thankyou afterward. knitting is actually not too hard, and can be quite fun when you get the hang of it. it does take a bit of time, but your wallet will thank you when you're done, and when you're out and about sporting your cosy new knit, and people ask you where you got it, you can grin proudly and say 'i made it myself'. or pass the credit onto whoever made it for you. either way, it's a lot more gratifying than forking over $80+ for something you can have for a lot less. well that's all from me darlings, study calls. kiss kiss!
ps. an alternative to d-i-y is to head to a market or op shop and have a look through their knit section, you're guarunteed to find something for almost nothing. good luck xx
14 days of jumper...day 1

ps. if you really love this and have $185 to spare, you can buy it at hfm.co.jp
femme fatale limited edition
i just adore everything about this outfit. except maybe the shoes, i just personally am not a fan of gladiators... but the rest of it is great. classy cas t-shirt, cut off shorts, gorgeous apricot blazer, accented perfectly with a tan belt, trilby and bronze/gold jewellery. just. love. juliet from austria's right on the road to ab fab sweetie darling. fantastic photography too. makes me want to travel.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
help requested...
so for some reason, everytime i click 'view blog' when i am logged in, blogger automatically logs me out... any tech-savvy darlings out there, suggestions as to why this is occurring and how i can fix it so i can communicate with my followers? please and thankyou.
kiss kiss!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
through a wide-shot lens...
wearing: denim jacket-tempt, sportsgirl dress from the awesome vintage clothing stall at monash clayton, liebemini tights, granny boots, bag from italy, pearl headband.
photography: meagan nicole, check out her blog at novelocean.tumlbr.com
"coz we're just sahhh indie"
kiss kiss!
ps. more to come!Monday, June 6, 2011

'contrast', clement louis, paris (aka my future husband)
the boys sure know what they're doing these days. oh, how i love well-dressed men, don't you? it seems from my extensive research on lookbook.nu, the males from manlia in particular are exquisitely stylish, not to mention unique. personal favorites of mine are cardigans, blazers and button-down shirts. hopefully their aussie counterparts will lift their game eventually. in other news, i now must go to manlia, to find a man. that is, if clement louis won't take me. which he will. fingers crossed. kiss kiss!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
"Not that I give a hoot about jewelry. diamonds, yes. but it's tacky to wear diamonds before you're forty"
...said the always wonderful and marvellous, not to mention utterly and entirely fabulous Audrey Hepburn, in her flawless performance as Holly Golightly in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'. which was of course penned by the brilliant Truman Capote, but... i digress.
darlings, today's pearl of wisdom (well i hope it's wisdom, perhaps it's a bit pretentious to assume so?) is tinged with sadness, because i lost mine... hopefully just temporarily. it is...
darlings, today's pearl of wisdom (well i hope it's wisdom, perhaps it's a bit pretentious to assume so?) is tinged with sadness, because i lost mine... hopefully just temporarily. it is...
in effect, what's that one thing about you that makes people say 'that's her thing' or 'that's so you'?
so, you must know what i'm talking about. Blair's headbands... Holly's huge sunglasses... Gwen's platinum blonde hair... Miranda's white Hermes scarf for those of you who have read The Devil Wears Prada. i could go on forever, but i won't. you probably already have it, that one thing that makes you YOU. if you don't create it. it could be anything. a nail polish colour, a certain pair of shoes, a favorite hat. mine, of course, is the 'versatile scarf' as my friend calls it. actually, i have two, which i alternate between, and usually wear in my hair. it's a recent development, as of this year, and i love it. it goes with everything, i where it everywhere, and it just adds a bit of interest to my outfit, whatever that may be. it's a way to put your own stamp on things, so to speak. it helps to define your style. and in the immortal words of Yves Saint Laurent, "fashion fades. STYLE is eternal." kiss kiss!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
you and i are just walking disasters
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